Reverend Micah Balwhidder settles in his study to pen an account of his fifty year ministry in the parish of Dalmailing.ġ/5: Balwhidder's appointment in 1760 tears the community apart as the young minister is placed in his post by an absentee landowner - inciting the rage of the parishioners.Ģ/5: Settled in his study at the end of his career, Balwhidder remembers how news of trouble in the Americas trickled through to the sleepy town of Dalmailing in 1769.ģ/5: It's 1776 and change is in the air as the outside world intrudes upon rural Dalmailing.Ĥ/5: Incomers from America bring changes to the sleepy parish of Dalmailing, and the second Mrs Balwhidder's extreme thriftiness causes a rift with the session.ĥ/5: Settled in his study at the end of his career, Balwhidder remembers the loss of a dear friend and the shocking events at the cotton mill which changed Dalmailing for ever. Description: John Galt's masterpiece of small-town Scottish life, written in 1821.